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Home > 2. Using the Register > 2. Conducting Transactions > Ringing Sales & Returns at the Register
Ringing Sales & Returns at the Register
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Ringing sales or making returns shouldn't require you to have to move all around the shop, move to a different register, or use a different device. Complete sales and returns with ease and all on one device with KlickTrack's register app. You can quickly navigate to a section in this article by using the links below:


  1. Ringing sales with Cash payments
  2. Ringing sales with ACH payments
  3. Completing Returns
  4. Register FAQs

1. Ringing Sales - Cash Payment

  1. Add a customer to the sale (if applicable).
  2. Scan items to add them to the cart.
  3. Apply loyalty points (if applicable).
  4. Apply discounts (if applicable).
  5. Select "Total".
  6. Select Payment Method (Cash).
  7. Select the correct denominations or enter in the amount the customer is paying.
  8. Select the green dollar to complete ringing up the sale.
  9. Select "Done" to return to the cash register.



2. Ringing Sales - ACH Payments

*Note: You must first sign up for ACH payments with KlickTrack before you can enable the tender type.


  1. Add a customer to the sale (if applicable).
  2. Scan items to add them to the cart.
  3. Apply loyalty points (if applicable).
  4. Apply discounts (if applicable).
  5. Select "Total".
  6. From the payment method screen, select ACH Payment.

  7. Review the total + surcharge.

  8. Confirm the accuracy of the customer’s details, and adjust on-screen as needed.

  9. Select Send SMS Paylink to Phone Number. This will trigger the customer will receive an SMS with a link to complete their ACH payment

  10. While the customer completes their payment process, you can check the payment confirmation status or cancel the ACH payment process.

  11. Once the customer confirms their payment was successful, select Check for Payment Confirmation. 

  12. Select Done to close the screen and return to the register homepage.


3. Completing Returns at the Register

  1. Select the 3 dots to open the Control Panel.
  2. Select "Sales & Returns".
  3. Enter Sale ID into the search bar or select the Sale ID that needs to be returned.
  4. Select the Sale ID.
  5. Select "Return".
  6. Select the "+" to increase the quantity of the item that is being returned (as needed).
  7. Select the red return bar to complete the return.




💡 PRO TIP: Learn more about Customer Management at the Register and Using and removing discounts from the cash register by reading these articles or by visiting our Help Center.


4. Register FAQ

Why isn't a back-end adjustment showing at the register?

  • If an adjustment made on the backend is not showing on the register, the register needs to be refreshed.
  • Refreshing the register by using the refresh button on the main KlickTrack register page will make sure your device has the most current data available. 


I am trying to do a sale and it says I have to scan everything. Is there a way around this?

  • The reason you are having to scan every barcode at the register in order to sell is because of an App Setting that is currently toggled on called Reverify Cart

  • When enabled, the Reverify Cart feature requires users to rescan items in the cart prior to transacting to ensure that the correct SKU is being sold for inventory control.

  • This feature requires verification of all barcodes in a cart to complete a transaction when enabled.

You will need to turn this feature off to allow you to sell items without scanning every barcode. Here are some steps to help with this:

  1. Select the three vertical dots at the top left corner.
  2. Select App Settings.
  3. Enter Manager PIN.
  4. Navigate to the Register Settings section.
  5. Toggle off Reverify Cart.
  6. Select Save.

Once this is complete, refresh your registers and you should be able to sell products without scanning to proceed.


💡 PRO TIP: Learn more about the Reverify Cart setting and others by visiting the help article for Adjusting Register & App Settings in the KlickTrack Help Center.



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