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Void Sale
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Voided sales are a compliant way to immediately return sold products to your sellable inventory.  If a budtender makes a mistake during the sale, or the customer decides they no longer want a product before the product physically leaves your store, the void sale function will increase your efficiency in fixing errors. 


Not only will voided items return to the initial inventory room and remain sellable once they are voided, but the sale will also be reported as a "void" directly to your state traceability system allowing you to resell this item and remain compliant. 

In-App Settings

  1. Open the Control Panel.

  2. Select App Settings.

  3. Enter Manager PIN.

  4. In the Void Sale section, toggle Allow Void Sale to on.

  5. If you would like to remove the Void option from a sale after a period of time has passed, enter the time (in minutes) in the Void Time Limit subsection.

  6. Save App Settings.



 PRO TIP: To ensure that Voided Sales are recorded before the product leaves your location, we recommended setting the Void Time Limit to 30 minutes. 

If you do not want to set a time limit on Voided Sales, be sure to keep the Void Time Limit empty.


At the Register

  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Select Sales & Returns.
  3. Search for the sale ID or manually scroll through the list of sales and returns.
  4. Select the sale that needs to be voided.
  5. Select the Void Icon.
  6. Select void (after reading the warning message).


From the Dashboard

  1. Open the Dashboard.
  2. Select Sales & Returns.
  3. Search for the sale ID or manually scroll through the list of sales and returns.
  4. Select the sale that needs to be voided.
  5. Select the Void Icon.
  6. Select void (after reading the warning message).


Void FAQ

What happens to the transaction after the Sale is Voided?

  • When a Sale is Voided, it changes the reporting across your Back Office as if that Sale never existed.  The previous Sale will no longer be visible, but be replaced with a $0 Voided Sale with the original receipt ID.  If there was any tender tied to the sale, that will be removed from the drawer. 

Does a Voided Sale retroactively change my Sales, Inventory, and Drawer Reports? 

  • Yes, it will. Once you Void a Sale, it will remove all sold inventory quantities and sale metrics across your Back Office Reports (ie - Sales Summary, Quick View, Tax Report, any Drawer Drop reports, Discount History, etc.).  All Sales Reports will be reduced by the amount of the Sale and all Cash Drawers will be credited back the payment that was received. We recommend working closely with Accounting any time you Void a Sale after the shift has ended. 
  • To avoid this issue, set a Void Time Limit to no more than 60 minutes to ensure all voids are performed same-day.  

Why is the Voided Sales receipt the same as the original sales receipt? 

  • When you Void a Sale, it keeps the original sales receipt similar to how the transaction is saved within your State Traceability system.  Essentially the system is acting like that Void sale never occurred, so it will replace the sale with the void throughout your Back Office and Reports.

Can I require a Manager Override Pin for Void Sales function? 

  • Not at this time. If you would like this feature, please email [email protected] to submit a ticket and explain why this feature would be helpful for your team and the impact it would have. 

If I have used Loyalty Points for the sale, will these be applied back to the Customer? 

  • Yes. If you go to All Customers > View Customer > “Loyalty” Tab you should see “Used for Sale” on the same date as the original purchase now set to “0”.

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