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Home > 2. Using the Register > 6. Register Troubleshooting > How to Clear Cache off the Register App
How to Clear Cache off the Register App
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When you use the Register App, it saves some information in its cache. The cache remembers parts of pages, like images, to help them open faster during your next visit. Clearing cache fixes certain problems, like loading or formatting issues especially if there has been a recent change like a version upgrade on the app.

With a web browser, if there are issues caused by previously cached information, it's a simple as clearing the cache from Settings.  With iPad apps, the only way to clear cache is through deleting and re-downloading the App. 


If an issue happens mid-shift, it's important to take steps before downloading the app which we have detailed below. 


Clear cache on your Register

  1. End open Drawer associated with this Device.
  2. Disconnect the register from the Scanner App. (Do not skip this step or it may cause future iPod Scanner issues.) 
  3. Remove this Device from your Device list (Hardware > Devices > Click on Device Name > Remove Device).
  4. Log out of the Register App.
  5. Delete the Register App off of your iPad (Hold on the app icon until it wiggles and delete by clicking the X).
  6. Turn off the iPad and wait 30-60 seconds.
  7. Turn on the iPad.
  8. Navigate to the App store re-download the Register App. Please note - you may need your iTunes login credentials for this step.
  9. Login.
  10. Create New Device. 
  11. Reconnect the register drawer to the scanner device


What if I forget to close my Drawer? 

No worries! You can use the "Detach" option under Drawers Click on Drawer > Click "Detach".  At that point, you can re-link the Drawer to the new Device and continue sales off of the same Drawer. 

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