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Home > 2. Using the Register > 6. Register Troubleshooting > No Sale error when attempting to sell an item at the register
No Sale error when attempting to sell an item at the register
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This No Sale message can occur when an SKU has not been updated with the proper inventory amount in the KlickTrack system and more are being sold than is currently in stock.




Ex: A customer wants to buy two pre-rolls from the same lot but there's only one of these SKUs in your KlickTrack inventory.


First, ensure you refresh the register to sync with the most up-to-date inventory information.



If you still do not have the correct SKU quantity, Please consider the following:

  • Verify if any adjustments were made on the specific product you are attempting to sell by checking the "Inventory Adjustment Report".
  • Verify if any products are placed in a hidden room which would not allow any sale to be made.
  • Conduct a physical inventory audit and ensure all items are properly accounted for in the KlickTrack system. 


If the above checks out, then you would have to make an Inventory Adjustment on that SKU to be sold.


To adjust the quantity of an SKU, here are the steps:

Products - Adjust Quantity of Active Inventory

  1. Click ‘Products’ under the 'Inventory Management' section of your KlickTrack Dashboard. 
  2. Click on the Search Bar
  3. Enter the Item name or last 4 of barcode 
  4. Select the Product
  5. Click 'Adjust Qty'
  6. Enter total remaining quantity under the ‘Inventory Quantity’ Field
  7. Select Adjustment Type
  8. Enter the Reason for the adjustment under ‘Note'
  9. Click 'Save'


You will want to adjust the SKU's quantity from the back office to reflect the correct physical inventory on hand, then refresh your registers to reflect the change. Once this is completed, you should be able to sell your items as expected. 


Please contact support at [email protected] with any questions. 

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