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Pre-Order Fulfillment
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When an online order is placed, it will notify your devices. Notifications can be muted on any devices which do not need them by clicking the bell icon on the main register screen. Click on the notification or open the sales queue to view the new order. The first step is to confirm a new order by clicking on it and selecting verify. The order will appear in the queue category that the customer selects, for example Curbside or Express Pick Up. This will update the order status from new to pending. Pending orders can be moved into processing to verify all barcodes on the sale. Once the barcodes have been verified, the order can be moved to status Ready. Ready orders can be brought up at any register from the sales queue when the customer arrives and the sale can be completed.


Please view the video for pre-order processing workflow.



Please view the video below to see manual order creation.


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