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Showing articles from integrations tag

Menu Options & Third Party Integrations

Everyone likes choices and with KlickTrack's integration with numerous third- party menu providers, your choices are multiplied. * * * A free online public menu is built into the subscription service. This menu gives customers visibility into current inventory and allows for online ordering. Check out these articles…

How to update your menu API key

If this is your first time setting up your third-party menu integration, then navigate over to our [Setting up your Third Party Plug-In with KlickTrack][1] article for the correct steps. * * * ![][2] 1. Navigate to Store Management on your [Dashboard][3]. 2. Select **Menus.** 3. Choose the menu that needs to …

Current integrations and how to submit an integration request

KlickTrack has several options for menu integrations and we're always happy to receive requests for other specific integrations that will be beneficial. **Current KlickTrack Integration Partners: ** * **[Eye Rate][1]** * **[Dutchie][2]** * **[Green Screens][3] ** * **[Headset][4]** * **[I Heart Jane][5]** …

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