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Editing package SKUs in KlickTrack
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Outlined below are instructions for updating a product's Package SKU (also known as the register SKU) in KlickTrack.


💡Note: If you need to update a product's Purchase SKU (also known as the compliance ID field), please reach out to KlickTrack Support. 


To update a register SKU:


  1. Navigate to the Inventory Management section of the KlickTrack dashboard.
  2. Select Products.
  3. Click on the search bar.
  4. Enter the Package SKU into the search bar.
  5. Select the Package SKU chip to search by register SKU. (You can also search by Product Name or brand, but the barcode is the most direct way to get to the product detail page)

  1. Once you are on the product detail page, click on the package SKU to edit it.
  2. Edit the package SKU as desired. The SKU will turn red as you are editing.


  1. Select the red disk icon to save.
  2. Click "Save" to confirm your barcode change.


🎉 That's it! Your package SKU is now updated!



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