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Home > 2. Using the Register > 5. Managing Drawers > Why does the register require a manager override for a drawer drop?
Why does the register require a manager override for a drawer drop?
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KlickTrack allows you to customize your register's app settings for added security. 


As such, when your App Settings -Manager Override setting - Drawer Transactions is enabled, a Pin is required. 


To remove this security feature, simply toggle the Drawer Transactions to the off position (No red) and refresh your register. 


From the register: 


  1. Select the three dots in the upper left corner. 
  2. Select App Settings
  3. Scroll Down to Drawer Transactions
  4. Toggle off (Hide Red)
  5. Hit Save
  6. Tap three dots in upper left corner
  7. Select Register 
  8. Hit Refresh in upper right of the screen


You should no longer require a pin to enter transactions. 


(Imagine below shows screenshot of Manger Override for Transactions enabled. To disengage, toggle switch to hide red)



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