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Marking a Customer as Banned
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Sometimes there are circumstances when a particular customer is no longer allowed to make purchases from your dispensary. To mark a customer as banned, edit the Customer page, and switch the Banned Customer toggle on in the "Mark Customer as Banned" section. Once a customer has been marked as banned, it can be viewed in two ways:


  • On the customer page from a register/fulfillment/door device, there is a red band at the bottom indicating the customer status has been marked as banned
  • In the KlickTrack dashboard,  the All Customers report will show "true" under the "Banned" column


To create a list of all banned customers, an Admin user can download the All Customers report and sort by the column "Banned".


Note: Marking a customer as banned is only a visual indicator that the customer has been banned. It does not prevent products from being purchased under the customer's account.



Customer Page view:

All Customers report view:






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